Source :  Hong Kong Education City Resources Library-Video Gallery


English ETV Programmes

Primary 1
The Magic Rug Ten Little Rabbits Let's Eat Together
Where's the Frog? What's the Magic Word? Friends in the Park
Thank you, Hat Monster Aunt Crystal's Bookshop: Signs In A Bookshop What's the Time?
I Love My Body Aunt Crystal's Bookshop: We Can All Cook Adam's Family
Brian and his Bike Series: My school Aunt Crystal's Bookshop: A New Shop One White Sock, One Yellow Sock
Brian and his Bike Series: My Body Aunt Crystal's Bookshop: Going on a Holiday New Snow White
Where's my name? Tootie is Hungry


Primary 2
Animals What Do You Want To Be? Tootie's New Home
Party on the Moon Daniel's Birthday Party Bubble Kingdom
Here Come Spring Again Happy School Days The Magic Bus Ride
Tell Me Who Tell Me When It Is Magic
Tell Me Why Tell Me What Two by Two
Tell Me Which Tell Me Where Catch the Wind
Happy Street and the Wizard Hurry up, Miss O The Little Match Girl
Primary 3
Follow the Signs, Please Lights Off, Lights On Rain or Sunshine
Listen To What I Hear Witches Adventures Into Storyland
My Favourite Pastimes A Visit to Ngong Ping Shopping Is Fun
Look And See What Should You Say ? Pinky Goes To The City
Animal Friends My Toys Can Talk Charlie's Chocolate Day
Pinky's Hobby Tell Me When Getting Around by Tram
Pinky Goes Shopping Happy Father's Day Let's Move Around
The Magic Bell Happy Mother's Day A Visit to Hong Kong Wetland Park
Sing Along (Part 2) Sing Along (Part 3) Show and Tell
Primary 4
Beautiful Things In Nature Too Much Junk Food Food From Other Countries
Treasure Island Joy makers Words Beautiful
Give Me Back My Name The Shoes Stories The Flying Classroom Series: looking after our body
Teddy's Dream Chair Getting to Know You The Flying Classroom Series: Trees
The Sunday Smile Aunt Mary's Friends Return to the Present
Who Needs good Manners?



Primary 5
Green Promises Alice In Cyberland Beauty And The Beast I
Country Roads, Take Me Home Dare To Try Beauty And The Beast II
Changes in Hong Kong Make A Wish I Love Potatoes
Know Your Neighbours, Mind Your Manners We Are Inventors! Up, Up and Away
The Sunday Smile Getting Around by Tram Good Telephone Manners
Party Manners The Writing Savers Series: Letter Writing Travelling by Boat
What will you do ? Famous People Of The Past


Primary 6
Lizzie and The Freezo Machine Part I Chinese festivals Don't forget the Souvenir
Lizzie and The Freezo Machine Part II Animals Big and Small International food festival
Presents for My Family The Magic Map Eating Like a Bird
Interviewing a Celebrity Going for an Interview The Mermaid
Fun with Colour Idioms Idioms about Feelings Around Hong Kong in Seven Days
Circus Of Music What Went Wrong? When I Grow Up
Fireboats The Sunday Smile What Is Your Sign?
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